Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Home for the Holidays

Ok, so after I created a short list of places I would like to go over the break in the last entry, but I inevitably remained in Athens. However, I am still dreaming of other places and taking steps to turn my dreams into reality.

Yes, they are called applications, the "all you can do is try" mantra manifested into pages of essay questions and reference letters.

-The first application cost me an approximate total of $25. I had to submit my entire life through the mail. I am talking birth certificate, transcripts, proof of study abroad, recommendations, doctor's form, and a NINE page application, and everything in multiples of three. Why go through all this trouble you ask? To teach and live in Japan.

-The next application is a little more standard (application, references, transcript), and would place me in Germany taking classes and working at a company in my field.

-I am also re-applying to a program I went out for last year with the IRTS Foundation, and that would place me in New York.

-I also found an internship program in Spain... I'll probably go for that too.

These applications are a stretch, and honestly I can only hope for an interview, but I have no choice. If I am going to fly solo, I might as well do it Japan and make some people jealous.

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